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Borrowing Policy

Registered Patrons:

1. Registration: forms are supplied at the library.

Age Limit: None–Children 11 and younger need parent’s signature.

Resident: Town of Hartford or Surrounding towns / Vermont resident

Seasonal residents are welcome and a temporary card will be issued.

Fee: none

Identification: Vermont Driver’s license or I.D. with proof of residency.

2. A patron card is issued to each applicant with an assigned number for circulation use insuring confidentiality for all patrons

3. Information in patron files is confidential and cannot be provided to outside agencies (State, Federal, local or private) excluding a subpoena authorized by authority of and pursuant to federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigatory power. In the case of such a request the librarian will immediately notify the Hartford Trustee Board who will, in turn consult legal counsel.

4. The borrowing/circulation lending period is for 2 weeks. Materials can be renewed by phone for another 2 weeks. Restrictions to this would include the Vermont Collection’s older materials (out of publication) or specific reference materials that do not circulate (dictionaries-unabridged, encyclopedias, out of print materials, etc.). 

5. Financial responsibility: Patrons, parents/guardians are responsible for any and all materials used in or borrowed from the Library. This includes lost, stolen, unreturned or damaged items.

6. Borrowing privileges may be revoked for reasons of overdue or damaged materials at the discretion of the Librarian (See overdue policy).

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