Digital Resources
The Hartford Library, Inc.

Overdue Policy
Financial responsibility: Patrons, parents/guardians are responsible for any and all materials used in or borrowed from the Library. This includes lost, stolen, unreturned or damaged items.
The following are the procedures followed by the Hartford Library for overdue books:
1st Notice: When items become overdue the patron will receive a phone call informing them of the items and requesting that the items be returned or renewed.
If no response is made from the 1st notice a written notice will be mailed to the patron.
In the event that the items are not returned after the first two notices, the patron will be sent a bill for the current replacement cost of the items that are overdue.
The second and third notices will include copies of the overdue policy and the Vermont Library Statute. Restitution is expected or the Hartford Police Department will be contacted for collection.