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Confidentiality Policy

The choice of books and other library materials, along with the use of informational resources of the library is essentially a private endeavor on the part of each individual patron. The library shall make every reasonable and responsible effort to see that information about that patron and his/her choices remains confidential.

The Trustees of the Hartford Library have adopted the following guidelines concerning the disclosure of information about patrons in accordance with 1 V.S.A. Sec 19 (b) (19):
No information shall be disclosed regarding or including:

  • A patron’s name (or whether a patron is a registered borrower or has been a patron).

  • A patron’s address

  • A patron’s telephone number

  • The library’s circulation records and their contents

  • The library’s borrower records and their contents

  • The number or character of questions asked by a patron

  • The frequency of content of a patron’s lawful visits to the library or any other information supplied to the library (or gathered by it) shall be given, made available or disclosed to any individual, corporation, institution, or government agency with a valid process order or subpoena. Under presentation of such process order or subpoena, the library shall resist its enforcement until such a time as proper showing good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction


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